Adventure Zone Resources
The Adventure Zone is a great way to engage families and create memories at your Join the Trail event! Below are suggested resources your Troop may choose to utilize. We have made available artwork we have used at conferences across the nation. Feel free to use whatever you like to create a memorable event (indoors or outdoors) that inspires boys to join your Troop and families to share with friends and neighbors. Don't forget to engage the entire family! The kids will remember the fun they had with their parents and parents will buy into the program through the experience!

A 4'x2' banner is available for purchase.
Other recommended items:
- 10 x 8 tarp
- Safety goggles

Hatchet Throwing
A 4'x2' banner is available for purchase.
Other recommended items:
- 10 x 8 tarp

A 4'x2' banner is available for purchase.
Other recommended items:
- 10 x 8 tarp
- Target (pie tins work well)
- Small chunks of dog food
- Whisk broom and dustpan
- Safety goggles

Rubber Band Guns
Other recommended items:
- 10 x 8 tarp
- Target
- Safety goggles
- Rubber bands purchased on purchase here link

Rope Making
A 4'x2' banner is available for purchase.
Other recommended items:
- Table
- 2 C-clamps
- Twine
- Scissors

Tug of War
Other recommended items:
- If indoors or with limited space, 12" x 12" pavers work well for boys to stand on and do one-on-one tug of war.

Other recommended items:
- Hay bales or other targets
- Hillside or other safe backdrop
- Plenty of space

Fire Starting
Other recommended items:
- Ferro Rods
- Magnifying Glass
- Bow Drill
- Cotton balls

Adventure Zone Directional Yard Signs - Set 1
This is a two-sided yard sign with dimensions of 18"x24".

Adventure Zone Directional Yard Signs - Set 2
This is a two-sided yard sign with dimensions of 18"x24".