Trail Life USA is committed to respecting and protecting the personal privacy of its members, donors, supporters, and those who visit our website. It is our policy to utilize personal identification information (“PII”) only for the purpose it was provided. Certain service providers, strategic partners, and vendors that assist Trail Life USA in registration, Troop management, donations, and merchandise sales may collect the same personal information that is required on paper forms. While you should consult those entities for their specific policies and direct any questions to them, Trail Life USA’s policy is that neither it nor its service providers, strategic partners, or vendors are to sell or rent mailing, donor, customer, or membership lists to other groups, nor to allow such information to be utilized by other groups wishing to use the names and addresses of our supporters, members, or donors.

We will not resell or share PII with any other entity for any reason. The personal information that Trail Life USA holds will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy.

During membership application and/or registration a user gives contact information (such as name and email address) to Trail Life USA. We use this information to contact the user about events for which he/she has expressed interest. The membership registration form is used to collect contact and member information, including youth information from the parents. Information gathered during the membership application process is utilized solely and exclusively for the purpose of reviewing and making a determination whether an individual meets our membership requirements.

Where interest is expressed in joining a Troop, information is forwarded to the appropriate staff member or volunteer who will contact the individual with information about joining Trail Life USA. This information is collected to follow up with the parent. Trail Life USA will not intentionally contact the youth directly. A youth's participation or access to an activity will not be conditioned on giving out more personal information than what is considered reasonably necessary for that activity.

While Trail Life USA expects and requests that its members and Charter Organizations restrict the use and dissemination of personal information consistent with this Privacy Policy, anyone sharing personal information with Troops or Charter Organizations should check with them as the use of such personal information.

Registered adult members, through their membership, consent to being contacted directly by Trail Life USA and its service providers or agents for the purpose of communicating announcements, policies, and other items deemed by Trail Life USA to facilitate the program, delivery, growth and enhancement of Trail Life USA and Trail Life Troops.

Certain information is requested from individuals who order merchandise and make online donations. Such individuals must provide contact information (such as name, email, and shipping address) and financial information (such as credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes, to fill orders, and to process donations. If we have trouble processing an order, the information may be used to contact the user. All credit card transactions are processed through a secure server. Credit card numbers are not seen by any Trail Life USA staff, they are only seen by the financial institution that approves the transaction.

Trail Life USA does reserve the right to use all information at its disposal and to share the information with ISP’s and other third parties as may be necessary to investigate any incident or allegation of misuse or abuse of our website, social media, or information systems. Additionally, we reserve the right to disclose PII as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process, or where reasonably believed necessary to prevent injury or a crime.