Hezekiah Barge, Jr.
Hezekiah currently serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. He has served the nation as an enlisted man and infantry officer in the US military for the past 32 years, to include numerous ground combat deployments around the world in places such as Iraq, Kosovo, Africa, and Afghanistan. Hezekiah has also served in numerous leadership positions in his local churches, youth sport teams, and Christian ministries (military and men’s ministry focused) over the years. He is the recipient of the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (3rd award), military Volunteer Service medal, and the United States Presidential Volunteer Award.
Hezekiah is a TLUSA adult Freedom Rangeman (BSA Eagle Scout transition) who has over three years of experience serving as the Troopmaster of VA-0110 and as a Point Man. As a Lifetime Charter member, he is committed to seeing TLUSA continue its forward momentum as the premier national character development organization for young men and older men living out their calling in Christ.
Hezekiah met his wife, Dawn Marie, while in college and they have been married for nearly 32 years. They have 2 daughters and 3 sons (1 BSA Eagle Scout and 2 TLUSA Freedom Rangemen) and 3 grandchildren. As a family, the Barges enjoy almost any activity outdoors on their farm and other places. Hezekiah holds a BS in Computer Information Systems from Florida A&M University and a MS in Information Systems Technology from the Naval Postgraduate School.